Developer : Rebellion Developments
Publisher : Atari, Ubisoft And Namco
Engine : Not Revealed
Genre : Historic Tactical Shooter
Release Date : October 27 , 2005
Operating System : Windows 2000 / Windows XP
CPU : AMD Athlon XP 1800+ / Intel Pentium 4 Processor
Memory (RAM) : 512 MB
Graphics Hardware : DirectX 9.0 Compatible Video Card with 32 MB Memory
[NVIDIA : GeForce 4 Ti Series
ATI : Radeon X600 Series]
Hard Disk Space : 4 GB
Developer : Rebellion Developments
Publisher : Atari, Ubisoft And Namco
Engine : Not Revealed
Genre : Historic Tactical Shooter
Release Date : October 27 , 2005
Operating System : Windows 2000 / Windows XP
CPU : AMD Athlon XP 1800+ / Intel Pentium 4 Processor
Memory (RAM) : 512 MB
Graphics Hardware : DirectX 9.0 Compatible Video Card with 32 MB Memory
[NVIDIA : GeForce 4 Ti Series
ATI : Radeon X600 Series]
Hard Disk Space : 4 GB
Sniper Elite takes place in 1945, at the close of the war. The game focuses on the conflict between Russia and Germany for control of Berlin. The Russian secret service, known as NKVD, is in town to steal the atomic-bomb technology from the German Army. You have to put a stop to that posthaste, because nuclear weapon technology in the hands of Stalin's forces would surely spell big trouble for just about the entire world. You are an American sniper, trained by the OSS to be the best of the best when it comes to covert operations. Disguised as a German soldier, you have to stop the NKVD at all costs. The single-player campaign is quite lengthy. There are 28 missions in a variety of different war-torn settings. The campaign can easily take 12 hours or more to finish. If you complete all the optional objectives and take the time to set up all your shots rather than just blast away recklessly, this game will easily take up as much time as you're willing to give it. You'll replay the same mission several times, even on the easiest difficulty. This is especially frustrating when you go through 20 minutes or more of buildup, only to have the guy you were supposed to assassinate get spooked and run away. Then you have to go through that 20-minute buildup all over again. Luckily, you can save anywhere you want and at any time, though you do have a limited number of saves per mission. You'll want to save often so you don't have to keep going over your same tracks every time you die. A few rounds from a machine gun at close range are more than enough to put you down. You can find bandages and medikits on the ground and by searching corpses, but healing items are few and far between. For instance, a group of enemies might keep you occupied while another enemy sneaks around behind you and unloads a clip in your back before you can even turn around to see what's happening. If you shoot an enemy in the leg, he'll fall to the ground and squirm around while shouting for help. If you don't finish him off right away, another enemy will pick up his fallen comrade and carry him to safety. The game does a great job of making the enemies seem crafty and intelligent.
The PC version of the game definitely benefits from the precision of the mouse as opposed to an analog stick, but you still have to account for the realistic bullet physics, so long shots can still be tricky to pull off. After you have an enemy in sight, you can take him down with a single well-placed shot to the head or a couple of quick shots to the body. If you score a long-distance headshot or other instant-kill shot, the camera will dramatically follow the bullet as it leaves your gun, flies through the air, and takes off a chunk of your enemy. Headshots are especially gruesome with this effect, as you'll see chunks of brain and skull fragments burst out of a guy's head. The levels in Sniper Elite are fairly well designed, but by the end of the game you'll have seen the same plywood barricade, burned-out truck, and crumbling building dozens of times. There are a couple of standout levels, but for the most part you'll be slinking around the rubble in the deserted city streets. There are plenty of places to hide and pick people off, but most of the shooting here takes place on level ground. There are a few sequences in which you'll be sniping from an elevated position, but mostly you'll just be lying prone under a truck or crouching behind a barricade. The graphics in Sniper Elite look about average, but the PC version looks sharper thanks to higher resolution and antialiasing, and the water, particle, and lighting effects do show up a bit better than in the console versions. You'll also see the same couple of character models throughout the game. Some will have hats and others won't, but they're all the same couple of guys. Also, you really have to search for your targets, because there are so many layers of obstacles for enemies to hide behind. The sound in the game is exceptional, and it really gives you the feeling that you're in the middle of a war. If you have a good speaker system on your PC, you'll want to turn this one up loud to fully experience the tense atmosphere created by the constant sounds of planes, bombs, and artillery rounds exploding in the distance. You'll also hear enemy soldiers shouting at one another, but they only have a few lines that get repeated over and over again, which gets annoying after awhile. If you have an itchy trigger finger and love gratuitous explosions and heavy weaponry, you'll probably want to pass on this game. However, if you like stealth games you'll find a lot to like in Sniper Elite. Sniper Elite offers a lengthy single-player game full of tense and rewarding moments, but it requires a lot of patience to truly enjoy.
Sniper Elite Trailer :-
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