Wednesday, June 3, 2009



Developer : Valve Corporation

Publisher : Valve Corporation

Engine : Source Engine

Genre : First-Person Shooter

Release Date : October 9 , 2007


Operating System : Windows XP / Windows Vista

CPU : Intel Pentium 4 Processor / AMD Athlon64 3000+

Memory (RAM) : 1 GB

Graphics Hardware : DirectX 9.0c Compatible Video Card with Memory 256 MB

[NVIDIA : GeForce 7800 Series
ATI : Radeon X1800 Series]

Hard Disk Space : 5 GB


Team Fortress 2 sets a brilliant stage for its signature brand of class-based multiplayer mayhem. Like its predecessors, Team Fortress 2 is focused around two opposing teams competing for an objective. These teams, Reliable Excavation & Demolition (RED) and Builders League United (BLU), are meant to represent two holding corporations that secretly control every government on the planet. The game was released with six official maps, although 11 extra maps and eight arena maps have been included in subsequent updates. When players join a level for the first time, an introductory video shows how to complete its objectives. Player limits are 24 on the PC, although the player limit has been altered on some servers to reach as high as 34, and 16 on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

In Capture the Flag maps, the objective for both teams is to obtain a briefcase of intelligence from the enemy team's base and return it to their own base while preventing the opposing team from doing the same. In some levels, the objective for both teams is to secure all the points on the map. On other levels, one team already holds all the points and must defend them from the other for a set amount of time. A third variation, introduced with the map "Hydro", is based on territory: each team must capture the other team's single active control point to secure that section of the map. Once all sections have been captured by one team, they are then able to attack the other team's base directly. There are nine player classes in Team Fortress 2, categorized into offense, defense, and support roles. Each class has at least three weapons: a unique primary weapon, a secondary weapon such as a shotgun or pistol, and a distinct melee weapon in keeping with the character, such as a liquor bottle for the demoman, a kukri for the sniper, and a fire axe for the pyro. The three offensive classes are the scout, the soldier, and the pyro. The demoman, the heavy, and the engineer make up the defensive classes. The final category, support, consists of the medic, the sniper, and the spy. The last support class is the spy, a character with a heavy french accent and a penchant for cigarettes. In addition to a revolver , the spy is equipped with covert tools, such as a temporary cloaking device , an electronic sapper to sabotage engineers' structures and the ability to disguise as other players. The spy can also use his butterfly knife to backstab and instantly kill enemy players.

Since the game's release last October, Valve has released a few new maps and game modes, slowly expanding the somewhat sparse catalog. They have also recently released three new weapons for the medic that you unlock by completing achievements. These weapons feature slight stat tweaks and new abilities that add a new element of customization to the class, and no doubt herald future weapon deployments for the other classes. Valve has done a fantastic job creating and balancing the maps, classes, and other game elements that are within their control. Still, Team Fortress 2 is a purely multiplayer game and, as such, lives and dies by the team. Most of the time you'll find yourself well matched, but the inherent uncertainty of the game can make for some vexing sessions. Your best move is to seek out friends and servers that are least likely to yield such sessions, and then enjoy the fertile battlegrounds that Team Fortress 2 so expertly cultivates. You'd be remiss not to reap this harvest.



Team Fortress 2 Trailer :-

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